- Guyot-Téphany J., Davret J., Tissière L., Trouillet B. (2024) Public participation in marine spatial planning in France: From minimal requirements to minimal achievements, Ocean & Coastal Management, Volume 256, ISSN 0964-5691,
- Davret J., Trouillet B. & Toonen H. (2023) The digital turn of marine planning: a global analysis of ocean geoportals, Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning. 26(1), 75–90. DOI: 10.1080/1523908X.2023.2283081
- Kitchin R., Davret J., Kayanan C., Mutter S. (submitted) Data mobilities: Rethinking the movement and circulation of digital data. Mobilities [Working paper]
- Davret J. & Trouillet B. (submitted) Recycling Data for Marine Spatial Planning: A review of maritime plans in Europe, Journal of Interdisciplinary Methodologies and Issues in Science
- Davret J., Kayanan C. M., Kitchin R. & Mutter S. (2023) Data flows in the Irish planning system. Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute for CCMA Housing, Building and Land Use Committee’s Planning Data Working Group. p. 50.
- Davret J. (2023) The submerged part of geographic information: A critical analysis through the case of marine planning, Ph.D. Thesis, Nantes University. p. 440. [Monograph]
- Davret J. (2022) Restitution Synthesis: Series of participatory workshops on the role of mapping in maritime spatial planning. Nantes University. p. 15. [Report]
- Guyot-Téphany J., Davret J., Petrovitch S. & Trouillet B. (2022), General public participation in marine spatial planning in France: Analysis of online participation and contributions in order to do recommendations for simplification. Nantes University. p. 35. [Report]
- Brunel A., Davret J., Trouillet B., Bez N., Salvetat J., Gicquel A. & Lanco Bertrand S. (2021) Opening the black box of decision support tools in marine spatial planning: shedding light into reserve site selection algorithms for a balanced empowerment of stakeholders. [Preprint]
- Davret J. (submitted) Maps and geographic information in planning. In M. Noucher & T. Joliveau, (eds.) Geographic information and geovisualisation in the digital society. ISTE collection.
- Davret J. & Noucher M. (submitted) Rob Kitchin biography. In Y. Calbérac, A-F Hoyaux, A. Oldra, M. Stock et A. Volvey (eds.) Thinking spatialities.
- Davret J. (2024) Deconstructing marine maps: revealing map-making choices through fishing and pleasure boating, L’atlas Bleu, Revue cartographique des mers et des littoraux. [available in Fr/En]
- Davret J. (submitted) The submerged part of geographic information: A critical analysis using the case of maritime planning, Carnets de géographes