

  1. Guyot-Téphany J., Davret J., Tissière L., Trouillet B. (2024) Public participation in marine spatial planning in France: From minimal requirements to minimal achievements, Ocean & Coastal Management, Volume 256, ISSN 0964-5691,
  2. Davret J., Trouillet B. & Toonen H. (2023) The digital turn of marine planning: a global analysis of ocean geoportals, Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning. 26(1), 75–90. DOI: 10.1080/1523908X.2023.2283081
  3. Kitchin R., Davret J., Kayanan C., Mutter S. (under review) Data mobilities: Rethinking the movement and circulation of digital data, Mobilities [Working paper]
  4. Davret J. & Trouillet B. (under review) Recycling Data for Marine Spatial Planning: A review of maritime plans in Europe, Journal of Interdisciplinary Methodologies and Issues in Science [Preprint]
  5. Kitchin R., Davret J., Kayanan C., Mutter S, (submitted) Assemblage theory, data systems and data ecosystems: The data assemblages of Irish planning system, Big Data & Society [Working paper]
  6. Davret J. & Trouillet B. (submitted) How do stakeholders engage with critical cartography in planning? Analysis of a decision-making process in marine governance, Environmental Science and Policy
  7. Kayanan C., Mutter S., Davret J., & Kitchin R. (submitted) The digital turn in planning and ‘good enough’ planning systems, data and outcomes, European Planning Studies [Working paper]
  8. Kitchin R., Davret J., Kayanan C. M. & Mutter S. (submitted) Genealogy of a data ecosystem: The digitalisation of planning development and control in Ireland, 2000-2024, Digital Geography and Society [Working paper]


  1. Davret J., Kayanan C. M., Kitchin R. & Mutter S. (2023) Data flows in the Irish planning system. Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute for CCMA Housing, Building and Land Use Committee’s Planning Data Working Group. p. 50.
  2. Davret J. (2023) The submerged part of geographic information: A critical analysis through the case of marine planning, Ph.D. Thesis, Nantes University. p. 440. [Monograph]
  3. Davret J. (2022) Restitution Synthesis: Series of participatory workshops on the role of mapping in maritime spatial planning. Nantes University. p. 15. [Report]
  4. Guyot-Téphany J., Davret J., Petrovitch S. & Trouillet B. (2022), General public participation in marine spatial planning in France: Analysis of online participation and contributions in order to do recommendations for simplification. Nantes University. p. 35.  [Report]
  5. Brunel A., Davret J., Trouillet B., Bez N., Salvetat J., Gicquel A. & Lanco Bertrand S. (2021) Opening the black box of decision support tools in marine spatial planning: shedding light into reserve site selection algorithms for a balanced empowerment of stakeholders. [Preprint]


  1. Davret J. (submitted) Maps and geographic information in planning. In M. Noucher & T. Joliveau, (eds.) Geographic information and geovisualisation in the digital society. ISTE collection.
  2. Davret J. & Noucher M. (submitted) Rob Kitchin biography. In Y. Calbérac, A-F Hoyaux, A. Oldra, M. Stock et A. Volvey (eds.) Thinking spatialities.
  3. Davret J, Kayanan C. M., Kitchin R. & Mutter S. (submitted) The nature and development of a planning data ecosystem. In Stelmaszak M., Aaltonen A. and Lytinen K. (eds.) Research Handbook on Digital Data: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Edward Elgar. 


  1. Davret J. (2024) Deconstructing marine maps: revealing map-making choices through fishing and pleasure boating, L’atlas Bleu, Revue cartographique des mers et des littoraux.
  2. Davret J. (2024) The submerged part of geographic information: A critical analysis using the case of maritime planning, Carnets de géographes.
  3. Davret J. & Pourinet L. (submitted) Interactive and critical cartography: removing bias with CartABl, MappeMonde